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Revolutionising Soil Health in Agriculture!
Top Soil Organics
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EPA Compliant Soil Conditioners & Services in Forbes

Topsoil Organics offers a wide range of EPA-compliant soil conditioners and soil health services to individuals and businesses up and down the Eastern Seaboard of Australia.
Read more about our leading product - Earthpower Prill - and how it can help you take your agricultural practices to new heights.

Earthpower Prill

Earthpower Prill is a high quality, nutrient rich fertiliser made from the anaerobic digestion of solid and liquid food waste which is high in organic matter and organic carbon. This product is just one of the environmentally sustainable by-products of the Earthpower plant in Sydney. 

The plant uses anaerobic digestion to convert solid and liquid food waste into green energy and electricity. By using Earthpower Prill, you are not only helping the environment but also actively recycling organic materials!

Benefits of Earthpower Prill

The benefits of Earthpower Prill come from its 37% organic matter and organic carbon levels. It restores organic matter in unhealthy soil, and gives microorganisms something to feed on.

As a result, regular application of Earthpower Prill will improve soil structure, water holding capacity and overall paddock health. This also means more nutrient rich food for your livestock, and a reduced reliance on harmful, synthetic fertilisers to maintain your agricultural practices.

Use environmentally friendly, organic rich fertiliser to restore soil health - call 1800 867 674!

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